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How I Met Your Mother Season 1 Episode 1 Pilot (내가 그녀를 만났을 때, 아이 러브 프렌즈, 영어 자막 표현 숙어 단어 공부)

by Billions: 빌리언즈 2022. 3. 14.


bunk: 침대·침상 (특히, 2층 침대)

"It's Physics, Marshall. If the bottom bunk moves, the top bunk moves too."


have a thing for: ~를 좋아하다 ,~에 마음이 있다

"Hey, you know how I've always had a thing for half-Asian girls?"

- I know you have a thing for him.

- Do you have a thing for her?


goatee: 염소 수염

"Lesson one, lose the goatee. It doesn't look good with your suit."


second-base: 2루

*스킨십 정도에 대한 비유적 표현 (1루: 키스, 2루: 민감한 부위 터치, 3루·홈런: 육체적 관계)

"A five-year old boy got the second base with me."

- We're way past the second base.

- I want to get to the secon base with you.


land: 차지하다, 낚아올리다

"How does Carl land a lebanese girl?"

- He just landed a starring role in Spielberg's next movie.


pansy: 남자 동성애자를 칭하는 모욕적인 말

"Come on, let me have it you pansy!"


fluff: 보풀·솜털 | 질 낮은 오락물

"I do those dumb little fluff pieces at the end of the news."


obscure: 잘 알려져 있지 않은, 불분명하고 어려운

"Can quote obscure lines from Ghostbusters?"

- I found her lecture very obscure.

- The origin of the word remains obscure.

- The view was obscured by fog.


off someone's hands: ~의 손을 떠난

"I can take them off your hands."

- I'll take it off your hands at one thousands dollars.


no dice: 천만에, 안돼

"We're no dice"

- 'Did you get that job?' 'No dice.'

- I've tried my best to come up with something, but no dice.


chicken out: 꽁무니를 빼다

"So you chickened out like a little bitch."

- I don't want to chicken out now.

- Don't be chicken out of that!


bat: 눈을 깜빡이다

"Is she gonna bat her eyes at you in Morse code?"


mark: 주의해서 듣다

"Mark my words. You'll never see that one again."

- There'll be trouble over this, mark my words.


turn it up: 소리를 키우다 (↔ turn it down)

- "Hey Carl, turn it up!"


pull over: 길 한 쪽으로 빠지다, 차를 대다

"Stop the car, pull over right here"


suffice: 충분하다 (=be enough) [səˈfaɪs]

"Simple no would have sufficed"

- Material advance alone is not suffice.

- A brief phone call will suffice.

- Suffice to say that I don't agree with you.


eccentric: 괴짜인, 별난

"I prefer... eccentric"

- The old lady has some eccentric habits.


lingering: 오래 끄는

"The long, lingering handshake - You should've kissed her!"
